When to Start 11 Plus English Tutoring for Optimal Preparation

11 Plus English Tutoring

11 Plus is a highly competitive exam, and English is among the most daunting subjects for most students. If your child will sit the 11 Plus exam this year in Year 6, you might wonder when to start with their 11 Plus English tutoring for optimal exam preparation. 

Here’s our detailed guide on the right time to begin the 11 Plus English tutoring for your child to develop and polish their core skills and cover all the critical areas of the exam. 

When To Start 11 Plus English Tutoring for Ideal Preparation

When should you start your child’s tutoring for the English of their entrance exam? There is no clear and fast rule for it. Every child is an individual with different learning requirements.

Some children are slow learners and need more time to develop their fundamental abilities. In contrast, others are brilliant academically and don’t need much more help to pass the 11 Plus entrance exam.

Consider these things while deciding when to start English tuition for your child’s flawless preparation: 

  • Consider if your child is a slow learner or grasps concepts readily. 
  • Examine your child’s current ability at the time.
  • See how well your child handles pressure and extra work. 
  • Look into your target school’s exam format. Some schools’ 11 Plus English exam requires more extensive tutoring than others. 
  • Inspect how oversubscribed your target school is.
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A Year and a Half in Advance Works

As a general rule of thumb, a year and a half in advance works best to start 11 Plus English tutoring for optimal preparation. Beginning at this time gives them enough time to work on their core skills while avoiding burnout.

If you believe now is the perfect moment, enrol your child for 11 Plus English tutoring to receive the expert coaching they require to flourish in all aspects of the English test. Starting early with expert help will boost your child’s confidence and preparation for the test.

Is Starting as Early as Possible a Good Technique? 

While most parents believe it’s better to start the preparation as early as possible, this is usually untrue. 

If you want your child to attend supplementary coaching from Year 1 or 2, you might be setting them up for failure. Starting too early could result in burnout and a child’s lack of interest in English. 

What Age Is the Best to Start 11 Plus English Tutoring for Your Child? 

Again, every child is unique and needs a certain amount of time to prepare for the entrance exam. However, children aged 9–10 have enough grounding in English at their primary school to start their tuition. 

Which Year Should Your Child Start Tutoring? 

Now that’s a tricky question! But here’s what you need to know: every year has its stages of learning. You can not make a child learn Year 5 skills in Year 3. 

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However, you can ensure your child grasps every concept they study at school. Your child can start 11 Plus English tutoring in Year 3 to begin working on the skills that take some time to develop fully. 

  1. Starting 11 Plus English Tutoring in Year 3

Year 3 is an excellent time to start, but ensure your child is having fun learning new things. At this stage, tuition introduces your child to the following: 

  • New vocabulary
  • Simple and complex sentence structures 
  • Common punctuation usage

In Year 3, the UK’s best 11 Plus Tutoring helps your child develop the foundation for core skills like reading, comprehending, and writing. 

2. Starting 11 Plus English Tutoring in Year 4

Year 4 is the ideal stage for most students to begin supplementary tuition. Employing a tutor at this time gives them two years to hone their skills and makes the whole ordeal less stressful. 

In Year 4, they have developed a solid foundation for basic English skills at school. Supplementing it with tuition at this stage means they can work on the following: 

  • Basic comprehension skills
  • Literary devices 
  • Creative writing techniques. 

3. Starting 11 Plus English Tutoring in Year 5

Employing an 11 Plus English tutor for your child in Year 5 is risky. While one year is enough for some students to prepare for the 11 Plus English exam, most students need more time to grasp all the advanced concepts.

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If your child is a good reader by Year 5, they can easily comprehend texts and ideally improve their 11 Plus vocabulary. But if that’s not the case, you might consider starting 11 Plus English tutoring earlier. 

Some Quick Tips for Optimal 11 Plus English Preparation

  1. Avoid Burnout

Ensure your child doesn’t find the ordeal too challenging or unnecessarily dragged out. Don’t start tutoring too early to avoid burnout for your child. 

  1. Make It Fun

Learning becomes a lot easier when it’s fun. Use crosswords, puzzles, and scrabble games to make them learn while enjoying themselves. 

  1. Understand That Every Child Is Unique

No two children are the same. Don’t think your child must start their tuition because all their friends have started already, or vice versa. Know your child’s unique learning needs and plan their preparation accordingly. 

  1. Take a Free Assessment

Understanding where they stand in their current skills is very important. Many tutoring services offer a free online assessment to assess your child’s skills and see when they need to start with their supplementary English tuition. 

Pass the Exam with Expert Tutors Help!

Several variables need to be considered when beginning 11 Plus English tutoring. How your child learns best and what their goals are will influence when they should start tutoring. Starting early is not nearly as critical as consistent instruction. With one to two hours each week, your child will receive the constancy they need to become accustomed to new ideas, practise them, and grow better.

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